500+ Companies
Already started working with freelancers.
Only 8% for Freelancers
Only 8% for Freelancers
For companies, we offer appropriate commission rates calculated based on the project amount."
For companies, we offer appropriate commission rates calculated based on the project amount."
Leave your e-mail address for detailed information.
Leave your e-mail address for detailed information.
Leave your e-mail address for detailed information.
The number of of skilled freelancers in Jobtogo’s freelancer pool
The number of successful matches and completed projects in one year
Monthly transaction volume between freelancers and companies
The number of SMEs and startups growing with the support of Jobtogo's freelancers.
How does Jobtogo work?
Sign up for free
Publish a project according to your needs
Select your candidate, start the project, and complete your payment
Give your approval at the end of the project
Initiate freelancer payment through Jobtogo and receive your invoice
Lay out your requirements to the Jobtogo team
Let us choose freelancers suitable for your project
Make your initial payment to start your project
Get your project delivered
Complete your second payment, receive your invoice
Legal Compliance
Fill out the form on the billing page
Provide details of the freelancer you're working with and the project
Get your invoice up to legal limits
Make your payment to Jobtogo
Let Jobtogo handle payments to freelancers according to contract terms.
Sign up for free
Publish a project according to your needs
Select your candidate, start the project, and complete your payment
Give your approval at the end of the project
Initiate freelancer payment through Jobtogo and receive your invoice
Lay out your requirements to the Jobtogo team
Let us choose freelancers suitable for your project
Make your initial payment to start your project
Get your project delivered
Complete your second payment, receive your invoice
Legal Compliance
Fill out the form on the billing page
Provide details of the freelancer you're working with and the project
Get your invoice up to legal limits
Make your payment to Jobtogo
Let Jobtogo handle payments to freelancers according to contract terms.
Sign up for free
Publish a project according to your needs
Select your candidate, start the project, and complete your payment
Give your approval at the end of the project
Initiate freelancer payment through Jobtogo and receive your invoice
Lay out your requirements to the Jobtogo team
Let us choose freelancers suitable for your project
Make your initial payment to start your project
Get your project delivered
Complete your second payment, receive your invoice
Legal Compliance
Fill out the form on the billing page
Provide details of the freelancer you're working with and the project
Get your invoice up to legal limits
Make your payment to Jobtogo
Let Jobtogo handle payments to freelancers according to contract terms.
Frequently Asked Questions
Everything you need to know about Jobtogo.
What is Jobtogo, what does it do?
Jobtogo is a modern business technology and human resources platform that provides freelancers with job opportunities and digital tools for client management, contracts, invoicing, and more. For companies, Jobtogo offers solutions for workforce management, contracts, invoicing, and provides access to a pool of freelancers.
Why should a freelancer use Jobtogo?
Freelancers can bid on job listings posted by companies and negotiate with clients for projects through Jobtogo. They can view project details, submitted proposals, worked clients, pending payments, and other information on their user panels. Freelancers who do not have the option to invoice their clients can also avail themselves of invoicing and payment services from Jobtogo. They can monitor their balances in real-time and transfer funds to their accounts whenever they wish. Jobtogo enables freelancers to have a steady income stream, advance in their careers, and manage their work processes smoothly.
What are the benefits of Jobtogo for a company?
On Jobtogo, companies creating projects are quickly matched with expert freelancers in their field, addressing their resource needs. Companies can choose to work on a contract basis with freelancers if they wish. They can carry out tasks such as posting projects, evaluating proposals and candidates, contractual employment, invoicing, and making payments through a single panel. Companies that do not have time to select candidates and manage projects can delegate their processes to the Jobtogo team for only receiving the final output of their projects with Jobtogo Plus service.
Which categories can I offer or receive services in?
You can offer or receive freelance services in translation and localization, copywriting, editing, social media management, graphic design, illustration, software development, photography and videography, data services, research, consultancy, music and jingle creation, voiceover, NFT, and many other fields.
Does Jobtogo have a membership fee?
There is no membership fee to join the Jobtogo platform. However, in case of agreement on a project, a commission fee calculated based on the project amount applies to items such as opportunity finding and project management support. There are no fees for billing and payment services for freelancers. For details, you can visit our Pricing page, and if you have any questions, you can contact our team at info@jobtogo.co.
Frequently Asked Questions
Everything you need to know about Jobtogo.
What is Jobtogo, what does it do?
Jobtogo is a modern business technology and human resources platform that provides freelancers with job opportunities and digital tools for client management, contracts, invoicing, and more. For companies, Jobtogo offers solutions for workforce management, contracts, invoicing, and provides access to a pool of freelancers.
Why should a freelancer use Jobtogo?
Freelancers can bid on job listings posted by companies and negotiate with clients for projects through Jobtogo. They can view project details, submitted proposals, worked clients, pending payments, and other information on their user panels. Freelancers who do not have the option to invoice their clients can also avail themselves of invoicing and payment services from Jobtogo. They can monitor their balances in real-time and transfer funds to their accounts whenever they wish. Jobtogo enables freelancers to have a steady income stream, advance in their careers, and manage their work processes smoothly.
What are the benefits of Jobtogo for a company?
On Jobtogo, companies creating projects are quickly matched with expert freelancers in their field, addressing their resource needs. Companies can choose to work on a contract basis with freelancers if they wish. They can carry out tasks such as posting projects, evaluating proposals and candidates, contractual employment, invoicing, and making payments through a single panel. Companies that do not have time to select candidates and manage projects can delegate their processes to the Jobtogo team for only receiving the final output of their projects with Jobtogo Plus service.
Which categories can I offer or receive services in?
You can offer or receive freelance services in translation and localization, copywriting, editing, social media management, graphic design, illustration, software development, photography and videography, data services, research, consultancy, music and jingle creation, voiceover, NFT, and many other fields.
Does Jobtogo have a membership fee?
There is no membership fee to join the Jobtogo platform. However, in case of agreement on a project, a commission fee calculated based on the project amount applies to items such as opportunity finding and project management support. There are no fees for billing and payment services for freelancers. For details, you can visit our Pricing page, and if you have any questions, you can contact our team at info@jobtogo.co.
Frequently Asked Questions
Everything you need to know about Jobtogo.
What is Jobtogo, what does it do?
Jobtogo is a modern business technology and human resources platform that provides freelancers with job opportunities and digital tools for client management, contracts, invoicing, and more. For companies, Jobtogo offers solutions for workforce management, contracts, invoicing, and provides access to a pool of freelancers.
Why should a freelancer use Jobtogo?
Freelancers can bid on job listings posted by companies and negotiate with clients for projects through Jobtogo. They can view project details, submitted proposals, worked clients, pending payments, and other information on their user panels. Freelancers who do not have the option to invoice their clients can also avail themselves of invoicing and payment services from Jobtogo. They can monitor their balances in real-time and transfer funds to their accounts whenever they wish. Jobtogo enables freelancers to have a steady income stream, advance in their careers, and manage their work processes smoothly.
What are the benefits of Jobtogo for a company?
On Jobtogo, companies creating projects are quickly matched with expert freelancers in their field, addressing their resource needs. Companies can choose to work on a contract basis with freelancers if they wish. They can carry out tasks such as posting projects, evaluating proposals and candidates, contractual employment, invoicing, and making payments through a single panel. Companies that do not have time to select candidates and manage projects can delegate their processes to the Jobtogo team for only receiving the final output of their projects with Jobtogo Plus service.
Which categories can I offer or receive services in?
You can offer or receive freelance services in translation and localization, copywriting, editing, social media management, graphic design, illustration, software development, photography and videography, data services, research, consultancy, music and jingle creation, voiceover, NFT, and many other fields.
Does Jobtogo have a membership fee?
There is no membership fee to join the Jobtogo platform. However, in case of agreement on a project, a commission fee calculated based on the project amount applies to items such as opportunity finding and project management support. There are no fees for billing and payment services for freelancers. For details, you can visit our Pricing page, and if you have any questions, you can contact our team at info@jobtogo.co.
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